Listed below are the organizations we partnered with during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Kind Words USA
Kind Words is an organization dedicated to getting messages of positivity and gratitude to healthcare workers fighting against COVID-19. Individuals from around the world to send in messages via their website or Instagram. Volunteers for Kind Words USA write these messages onto cards, which are delivered to nurses and doctors across the US. Messages are sent to hospitals in New York City, Massachusetts, and Illinois.
Shielding Our Defenders
This organization aims to provide medical products such masks and respirators through raising funds. With low supplies of essential resources during these times, Shielding Our Defenders aims to create an impact with the contributions they receive through their online initiatives.
Love For The Elderly
We partner with Love For The Elderly, a nonprofit, to support the elderly during the pandemic. The mission of the organization when it was founded was to combat social isolation with handwritten letters. The elderly are the vulnerable population during COVID-19. Now more than ever, they need reminders to help reduce feelings of isolation. We work with Love For The Elderly to send letters and document stories from people whose lives have been affected by COVID-19, in an aim to spread the message of keeping safe during these times.
Mariposa Mask Initiative
The Mariposa Mask Initiative is fundraiser focusing on providing high quality, reusable masks for homeless shelters and orphanages in Massachusetts and Connecticut. This organization was founded by students across MA and CT. Vitality Volunteers helps them with this initiative.
GloHelp COVID-19
An organization to help get medical resources to hospitals in New York State. Vitality Volunteers helps them with spreading their message and acquiring medical resources for hospitals.
Hands for SoCal
A nonprofit that supports local communities around Southern California during COVID-19. They provide aid in many forms, including holding fundraisers to collect money to donate masks and other medical equipment to local hospitals and communities. They also run a campaign to honor first responders, healthcare workers, and public servants. Vitality Volutneers helps with their endeavors to alleviate pressures in hospitals and communities during COVID-19.
Act Task Force
A team that helps provide masks at cost with speedy delivery. They are focused on providing masks in North America. Vitality Volunteers helps this organization find donors to provide masks.
Cards In Kindness
Cards In Kindness is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing joy and hope to those in need through hand-made cards. As the COVID-19 pandemic has left many feeling lonely and isolated, Cards In Kindness aims to send cards to those affected, such as senior citizens and children in hospitals. By making hand-made cards and sending them to Cards In Kindness, volunteers can make the world just a little bit brighter, one card at a time
STARS Covid-19 Relief, an initiative that sends Supplies to Aid Retired Seniors, was started by Jessica Choe, Olivia Crisafi and Eliana Mlawski. Many nursing homes and assisted living facilities do not have the funds or access to buy Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). With donations, STARS will supply protective equipment and kind letters to senior citizens who are most at risk. Vitality Volunteers help with donations to send PPE to senior citizens. Vitality Volunteers also writes letters to the elderly living in nursing homes who must quarantine in isolation away from their loved ones.